Django the movie or Django the Python Framework?

Django the movie or Django the Python Framework?


5 min read

Hi, Hello, Kumusta! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ

For those that are reading one of my blogs for the first time - Let me introduce myself:

I'm Mia, first gen immigrant from The Philippines. Previously a Business Analyst and Royalty Analyst in Film.๐ŸŽฌ After much research, I joined the Great Resignation in April 2021 like most of my fellow Millennials in pursuit of a better future. ๐Ÿš€โญ๏ธ

I taught myself how to code bootcamp style, studying 10 - 12 hours a day, 6 days a week for 3 months. With 1:1 mentorship each day to review concepts and bugs. That mentorship ended after the three months but I was able to have enough the fundamentals of web development down to be independent and researching on my own. I also found a great community through #techtwitter. ๐Ÿฆ

I understand that I was lucky to be in a position to quit my job and dive into the world of coding. I am grateful to a great supportive partner and family. However, I am in my ninth month of this journey, everyone has a different timeline upon when they get a job as a developer but I hope my time will come soon being that I don't have another nine months of liberty to be in the position of a student. ๐Ÿ‘€

*๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป My learning journey thus far:

  • Basic Algorithms in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, Python, Flask, Django, Git / Github

  • Deployed two full stack projects

  • Deployed one Frontend Mentor project with Github Pages

  • Trying to refine my front-end skills by watching HTML, CSS tutorials by the likes of Coder Coder

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป Fast Forward...

I have been working with Django for several months now and Iโ€™ve grown to appreciate this framework compared to Flask. Flask is another Python framework with less files to work with. While setting up Django used to take me a few days, now it takes me a few minutes.

Moreover, below are the steps to creating a Django Project:

  1. Set up your Django virtual environment -> cd myEnvironments -> source djangoPy3Env/bin/activate

  2. Once the virtual environment is set up you can now move forward with the following:

  • cd python_stack/django/django_intro

  • django_intro> django-admin start project your_project_name_here

  • django_intro> cd your_project_name_here

  • your_project_name_here> python runserver

  • Open localhost: 8000

  • your_project_name_here> python startapp

  • your_app_name_here

3. IN



  • 'your_app_name_here', # added this line. Don't forget the comma!!

  • 'django.contrib.admin',

  • 'django.contrib.auth',

  • 'django.contrib.contenttypes',

  • 'django.contrib.sessions',

  • 'django.contrib.messages',

  • 'django.contrib.staticfiles',

  • ] # the trailing comma after the last item in a list, tuple, or dictionary is commonly accepted in Python

4. IN your_project_name_here/your_project_name_here/

  • from django.urls import path, include # import include

  • from django.contrib import admin # comment out, or just delete

  • urlpatterns = [

  • path('', include('your_app_name_here.urls')),

  • path('admin/', admin.sites.urls) # comment out, or just delete


5. your_project_name_here/your_app_name_here/

  • from django.urls import path

  • from . import views

  • urlpatterns = [

  • path('', views.index),

6. And then actually put a function called index in our app's file:

your_project_name_here/your_app_name_here/ from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse def index(request): return HttpResponse("this is the equivalent of @app.route('/')!")

7. TIME TO RUN THE APP! USING: your_project_name_here> python runserver Place localhost:800/ on your browser!! It should look something like the image below.

  1. Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 6.17.10 PM.png f you are still confused, please email me or look into some youtube videos in the meantime: and will serve as your main navigation system. Think of them as the main files that communicate to one another. Ensure they look similar to the images below:

Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 6.17.43 PM.png Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 11.55.50 AM.png


If you want to add images to your Django website you have to use an extra steps to ensure the images or mp4โ€™s will propagate properly.

you will need to store it in a jinja <img src="{% static 'maru_app/images/coffee_one.png'%}" alt="My Image">. Prior to that you have to ensure to include {% load static %} so it loads.

In your you will need to include what is called a STATIC ROOT..

Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 11.51.31 AM.png

Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 11.52.22 AM.png

The first time I learned this was while including images for my first project with django. It was a bit frustrating because I spent an entire day googling how to make it work and I was unsuccessful. I think by this time, I waved the white flag and bothered my mentor (who is constantly sleep deprived from his first child) . He was sweet enough to give me the time of day. But somehow we both got to the same conclusion.

Life is wild sometimes, when you feel like an idiot but then when you ask someone for help you realize you had the answers all along. I realized that some of my mistakes were simply being negligent in renaming file names. From maru_app to jungle_app in several areas of my project.

If you made, it this far. Thanks for reading my very first technical blog. As someone that used to be in theatre and do spoken word poetry at open mics in Los Angeles, I had to rewire my brain to write differently in this format.

I had wanted to post this blog in October but I was afraid it was too early in my journey to spew out knowledge gained when there are so many other developers that are way more knowledgeable than I am. However, after meeting more individuals on #techtwitter from those just starting their career to Senior Developers to CTO's. I've learned that they too have immense imposter syndrome after being confronted with a novel aspect of their unique coding journey. SO here's to getting out of my comfort zone little by little each day, with blog posts, with public speaking and coding.
